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     Making Laguna a Music Town

Kids at the Boys & Girls Club enjoying the benefits of member donations. 

Members as of January, 2025


$5,000+ Annual Gift

City of Laguna Beach
Lodging establishments of Laguna Beach

$2,500+ Annual Gift

Assistance League of Laguna Beach  
Festival of Arts Foundation
Susan Davis
The Hanauer Family Foundation
Dan Haspert, M.D. & Gerard V Curtin, Jr.
Betsy & Gary Jenkins, M.D.
Rick & Kitty Malcolm
Danny & Kristy Melita
Carol & Roger Nilsen
Cindy Prewitt
Chris Quilter
Rob & Deb Schlesinger
Elie Weaver & Hilton Weinberg
Steve & Beth Wood

$1,000+ Annual Gift

Chimo Arnold, in memory of Diane Arnold
Lori & Harley Bassman
M. Blank & Company
Bobbi Cox
Cody & Deborah Engle
Ken & Jan Kaplan
Ruth Stafford
Diane Stovall

$500+ Annual Gift

Dianna & Fahim Boulos
Gregory Frock & Jane Leary
Sandra Graham
James Harrod
George Heed
Toni Iseman
Joe & Susan Jahraus
Diana Owings & Bob Schorman
Jim & Julie Slark
Ruth Stafford
James White

$250+ Annual Gift

Bianchi Winery
Bob Braun

Jon Brubaker
Ross Conner & Emmett Carlson
Barbara & Peter Crane
James & Christal Daehnert
Nancy Daudistel
Becky Jones
Tom Joliet
John & Jackie Lamirande
Diane & Cort Kloke
Ann W McDonald
Jim Moore & John Gustafson
Peter Perrin
John & Sue Prange
Gary Reinert
Diana Owings & Bob Schorman
Steve Shryock
Belle Tuckerman
Lynn Weiser & Mike Tompkins
Sara Lee Wincur

$100+ Annual Gift

Joe Baker

Gail Brooks
Frank Boudreaux
Patricia Cahill
Vivian Clecak
Jack & Pat Curtis
Alison & AJ Gerami
Jim Butler & Theresa Delvac
Jane Golden
Elaine Grist & Bill Tuohy
Renae Hinchey
Mike & Kathy Jones

Alison King and Chris Catsimanes
Kerry & Michael Keen
Susan Levine
Pat & Dennis Lockwood
Greg & Barbara MacGillivray
Marni Magda
Donald Mahon
Mary Lou Mooney
Frank & Kathy Mulvaney
Saswat Patnaik
Elizabeth Pearson
Vicki Pedrini
Jean Platt
Patty Jo Rutland
BJ Peterson & Tom Sippil

Teri & Steve Schulist
Lynn Shardlow
Katy Slattery
Joyce Stoneking
David Sullenger
Richard & Adrienne Thomas
Thomas Tileston
Bill & Denise Topaz
Harvey & Lisa Triebwasser
Allen Vangelos

Donations of any size are appreciated...

Eighty-Nine cents of every dollar supports the musicians and their performances. 

You can also support us when you shop Amazon! 

Donors at the following levels receive special benefits:
  • $100-$249 Annual Gift

    • Recognition as a Member in Programs and Website

    • Opportunity to buy tickets before they go on sale to the public

    • Advance notice of special events

    • Recognition in select Programs

    • Full tax receipt

  • $250-$499 Annual Gift

    • All the above plus

    • Seating in preferred section when available

  • $500 -$999 Annual Gift

    • All the above plus

    • Priority on waiting lists for sold-out concerts

    • Invitation to special receptions with artists

  • $1000+ Annual Gift

    • All the above plus

    • Recognition as Concert Sponsor in promotional materials, website, and on-stage announcement  Plus meet & greet photograph with artist when possible.

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